
Jonny Mckenna

by MARCA Media on Jun 30, 2022

Jonny Mckenna - Full Boar Sports


  • Vic
    Aug 10, 2023 at 15:35

    Did you leave HGH out at all before the shows?


  • Jonny Mc
    Jul 23, 2023 at 01:04

    Checking in post show.
    Following on from my recent win at the 2Bros Hardbody classic the goal is to further improve condition ahead of a pro qualifier which at this present moment in time is undecided.

    Supps wise is still the same story – STROM Whey Iso, Conteh Carb Powder, Conteh EAAs, CSN COR and as always STROM Support MAX,

    Below is my current diet and cycle changes since my previous checkin with 15K Daily total regular cheat meals or 1000g refeeds to retain fullness.

    50g Whey Iso
    100g cream of rice
    10g honey
    100g blueberrys

    200g chicken
    150g green veg
    10g olive oil
    100g grapes

    200g chicken
    60g rice
    150g green veg

    200g chicken
    150g green veg
    10g olive oil

    10g EAAs

    M5 (post workout with 5iu Novorapid Insulin)
    50g Whey Iso
    100g Cocopops
    300g Almond milk (unsweetened)

    50g Whey Iso
    100g blueberrys

    Cycle (weekly, split across Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday)
    Test E 800mg
    Mast E 800mg
    Tren A 300mg
    Primo 400mg
    Clen – 120mcg AM
    GH – 10iu Daily


  • Jonny Mc
    May 19, 2023 at 10:16

    Checking in
    Levling out at 242lbs which is a 3lb drop from my last blog post. A bump up with clen to 80mcg and growth to 10iu e.d. has seen significant improvements in condition and a much fuller look. Training and recovery is pretty much spot on with no strength being lost accross all workouts.

    Supps wise is still the same story – STROM Whey Iso, Conteh Carb Powder, Conteh EAAs, CSN COR and as always STROM Support MAX,

    Diet and cycle remain the same as previous checkin with 10K Daily total and again no cheat meals or refeeds (315P 600C 55F).

    50g Whey Iso
    85g cream of rice
    30g honey
    1 Apple

    200g chicken
    85g rice
    150g green veg
    10g olive oil
    100g grapes

    200g chicken
    85g rice
    150g green veg
    10g olive oil

    200g chicken
    85g rice
    100g green veg
    10g olive oil

    35g Carb Powder
    10g EAAs

    M5 (post workout with 5iu Novorapid Insulin)
    50g Whey Iso
    100g Cocopops
    1x Squares bars
    300g Almond milk (unsweetened)

    50g Whey Iso
    85g COR
    30g Honey
    30g Almond butter
    100g blueberrys

    Cycle (weekly, split across Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday)
    Test E 800mg
    Mast E 800mg
    Tren A 75mg
    Primo 400mg
    Clen – 80mcg AM
    GH – 10iu Daily


  • Jonny Mc
    May 09, 2023 at 17:28

    The wheels are back in motion

    My weight is down from 256lbs to 245lbs and things are looking interesting. Training is much better at this weight as is recovery so my intention is to keep things as they are and make further improvements as I stay in condition. With any luck I will be able to guest pose somewhere this year seeing as my main focus is on my clients and there upcoming shows. These include a handful of first timers, some open, bikini and figure athletes which I am very excited about!

    Supps wise if you know me you know I keep it simple – STROM Whey Iso, Conteh Carb Powder, Conteh EAAs, CSN COR and as always STROM Support MAX,

    Diet and cycle remain the same with the introduction of clen at 40mcg taken fasted in the morning with 3k steps (10K Daily total). There will be no cheat meals from here on unless needed (315P 600C 55F)

    50g Whey Iso
    85g cream of rice
    30g honey
    1 Apple

    200g chicken
    85g rice
    150g green veg
    10g olive oil
    100g grapes

    200g chicken
    85g rice
    150g green veg
    10g olive oil

    200g chicken
    85g rice
    100g green veg
    10g olive oil

    35g Carb Powder
    10g EAAs

    M5 (post workout with 5iu Novorapid Insulin)
    50g Whey Iso
    100g Cocopops
    1x Squares bars
    300g Almond milk (unsweetened)

    50g Whey Iso
    85g COR
    30g Honey
    30g Almond butter
    100g blueberrys

    Cycle (weekly, split across Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday)
    Test E 800mg
    Mast E 800mg
    Tren A 75mg
    Primo 400mg
    Clen – 40mcg AM
    GH – 6iu Daily


  • Jonny Mc
    Apr 26, 2023 at 00:36

    Current situation, tidy up phase

    Training was going brilliantly recently and improvements have certainly been made. With that said my body does not seem to like pushing like it used to and I have decided to tidy things up as the extra bodyweight was affecting my training due to back pumps and an old shoulder injury has come back to haunt me!

    It doesn’t affect things, i’m definitely performing better, feeling stronger and recovering faster as my weight has dropped back down to 256lbs. My goals haven’t changed i’m still concentrating on making improvements!

    Supps wise if you know me you know I keep it simple – STROM Whey Iso, Conteh Carb Powder, Conteh EAAs, CSN COR and as always STROM Support MAX,

    Will I compete this year? We will see! I’m only 25lbs up from last preps lowest weight and could be ready in 6 weeks – so stay on your toes, make sure your sparkleys are washed and ironed and as always have your RnB Classics ready to dance.

    Diet and cycle follows, there will be no cheat meals from here on unless needed (315P 600C 55F)

    50g Whey Iso
    85g cream of rice
    30g honey
    1 Apple

    200g chicken
    85g rice
    150g green veg
    10g olive oil
    100g grapes

    200g chicken
    85g rice
    150g green veg
    10g olive oil

    200g chicken
    85g rice
    100g green veg
    10g olive oil

    35g Carb Powder
    10g EAAs

    M5 (post workout with 5iu Novorapid Insulin)
    50g Whey Iso
    100g Cocopops
    1x Squares bars
    300g Almond milk (unsweetened)

    50g Whey Iso
    85g COR
    30g Honey
    30g Almond butter
    100g blueberrys

    Cycle (weekly, split across Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday)
    Test E 800mg
    Mast E 800mg
    Tren A 75mg
    Primo 400mg
    GH – 5iu Daily


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